Droppable does not store or retain any customer data. All customer information is used strictly for transactional purposes during the attempted purchasing of a dropped product and is not persisted beyond the scope of the transaction.
Droppable only accesses and modifies products that are explicitly included in a drop. No other products in your Shopify store are modified or stored by the app.
Droppable integrates with Discord using the OAuth2 specification. The bot and OAuth2 request only grants access to the permissions explicitly granted by the authorization link used during setup or login. No additional permissions are requested or utilized beyond what is necessary for drop functionality.
We prioritize security and ensure that all interactions with Shopify and Discord APIs adhere to best practices. No sensitive information is stored, and access is limited to what is required for drop functionality and customer validity.
© 2025 PokéMatrix. All rights reserved.
Droppable is not affiliated with Shopify or Discord. All logos and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.